Sunday, February 28, 2010


today is gracie's 8th birthday. it is so hard to believe that our baby girl is 8 yrs old. i remember the day she was born and how beautiful she was. i couldn't have imagined looking at her 8 years later and thinking that she is just as beautiful as she was the day she was born.

our gracie is such a blessing in our lives. she is so kind and generous. she is patient and happy. she is spunky and creative. she is sensitive and caring!

i am so glad she chose to be in our home! we love her so much!

happy birthday gracie!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Gracie! I hope she had a super special day and an awesome baptism too. She is such a cutie! I am so impressed by how helpful and mature she is for being only 8. You are doing a great job Holly!
